Hi, I have several maple trees in my back yard whose leaves are being eaten. I have seen 1 or 2 small green inch worms, but I have not been able to recognize the type. I have also noticed a large amount of tiny little black dots ( like small black seeds) all over my car and furniture. I dont know what to do. I am cleaning the deck every other day because of the large amount of black dots. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
black dots likely = frass, aka bug poop. The inchworms sound like a looper of some sort, around here I would say bruce spanworm would be the likely culprit, it may be the same little beast out your way. BtK is a good control product but depending on the cycle it may be too late to spray for this season. consider tanglefoot paste in the fall and BtK next spring about the middle to end of april.