I've had this indoor plant for about 4 years now, I got it at Lowe's and it was a small thing with just three leaves. Now it is about 6 feet tall and has major drooping issue. All I remember when I bought it was that it was some type of Dracaena, but searching online gives me nothing on how to car for it and what to do. I have a metal rod in place to give it support, and it's been working fine until last night. I came home and the top part with all the leaves was facing the wall, not the ceiling. Any ideas as to what type of plant it is so I can solve this issue? It has large, broad leaves, only a few at a time. The older ones yellow and drop off, leaving a ring around the single trunk/stem. It grows a new leaf about once a month.
There are ways to keep this plant house sized. I got this from this link? http://www.gflora.com/index.php?cmd=genus_body&genus_id=43 "There are several methods. Remove and pot up top crown of leaves - use a rooting hormone and provide bottom heat. Pieces of stem, 2-3 in. long, can be used as cane cuttings: lay flat on the surface of the soil mix. Some varietis produce daughter plants at the base - remove and use as cuttings." Not sure how to post links; hope this works. barb
definitely diffenbachia. you can stake it or you can top it off and plant the top part - the original stalk will sprout new growth and you'll have two plants.
Thanks to everyone who replied - I guess I was wrong on the 'Dracaena' part. I guess my only option is to try and cut the top part of leaves and repot...I just hope this doesn't kill it! This is the only plant I've been able to keep alive for longer than a year. :-)
Don't forget to use rooting hormone on the cutting! The plant wont root without it. I bought some recently at Home Depot so Lowe's should have some. Two for the price of one! ^,^