Identification: Some sort of small palm? Help pls :)

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Indigo Eve, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Indigo Eve

    Indigo Eve Member

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    Vancouver Island, Canada
    We've had this little plant for possibly 10 years now; it was one of those hand me down plants from a friend who was moving away and I don't know how long she had had it.

    It has always been a small sickly little thing and looking like its on its last legs (fronds?!)- often with only one or two that are yellowish or brown. Within the past year or so it has been healthier. It's sitting in the same spot it has always been and getting the same amount of water it has always been getting.

    Its only about 10 inches tall. I have searched through this forum to see if any of the other palm identification questions looked like mine and they didn't seem to, but that might be because mine is little. Will it get big and trunky? It hasn't seemed to grow much in the years we've had it.

    Does anyone know what it might be?

    Thanks :)

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  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    It looks like a Chamaedorea elegans (parlor palm) Put it where it will get bright light or dapple sun. No big trunk.

    Water it thoroughly until it comes out the bottom and toss out the excess in the saucer. When the top inch or two starts to feel "barely damp" or almost dry by using your finger, it's time to water, maybe once a week, if it needs it. Might be less in winter.

    If it hasen't been been re-potted for while, you might want to do that (in the spring) giving the rootball only an inch of room in the pot.

    Also give it some diluted fertilizer every month in the warmer months. Mine is 3 or 4 feet tall. In a greenhouse, or conseratory, it can get much taller.
  3. DGuertin

    DGuertin Active Member 10 Years

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    Houston, TX
    If it's 'always been' in that same pot, you probably have rubbish left for soil. Pop it out and have a look. If the soil's more like wood dust, you've leeched it dry... A good change of soil will likley do wonders for it.
  4. Indigo Eve

    Indigo Eve Member

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    Vancouver Island, Canada

    Thank you for your quick replies! It was re-potted just after it started to consistently look healthier. Until that point it may or may not have been re-potted before- my mum was the one taking care of it until a couple of years ago. Is the pot too small?
  5. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    It's hard to tell for sure looking at the picture. Give the roots an inch between the rootball "when placed down in the pot" and inside of the pot. In other words, keep the roots on the snug side, not smashed in.
  6. kv466

    kv466 Member

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    Sure looks like a Chamedorea...very nice. Should do just fine indoors if you do what they replied and take good care of it.

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