Hi there, Would really appreciate if anyone can help me with identifying the following species. Thank you soooooo much...
G'day Rach...always good to see a fellow Aussie. Whereabouts in NSW do you live? 4th photo Crassula "London Pride" Ed
The Photinia is possibly a Fraser photinia at the P. glabra end of the spectrum (Fraser photinia is from P. glabra x P. serratifolia), otherwise a P. glabra with leaves a bit on the long and narrow side.
thank you everyone who has kindly offered their help. just one more I need to know (as attached). I managed to see from some books that it's called butterfly lily. Just need to confirm if any of you guys think so too. And did anyone know of any medical significance of this beautiful flower?
The last is a Dietes, iridiodes or grandiflora. Used extensively in Southern California for commercial landscapes. Extremely difficult to kill and can, in certain situations, be invasive.