It is outdoor all summer and I bring it in in the fall. It still blooms however. It is about 3 1/2 ft. tall and has been in the same pot for 4 years. Should it be re-potted? Also, I water it quite often 2 -3 tmes a week when weather is hot and dry- perhaps too often? Many thanks, micra
Of course you need to get it out of the pot and see what's going on. Four years is a very long time not to have done so and 99% it will need repotting. You can't water any plant to a schedule, but should learn when it's needed, by how it reacts when you do water - and 2-3 x/wk in the heat outside is not at all 'quite often', especially for a plant that may no longer have any soil to speak of in the pot, but just a mass of roots. Plus shading the pot itself with a white tile or something reflective in the heat is always a good idea so roots don't cook. But get it out of the pot now and give it some new soil... Schultz Cactus is good, but add some aquarium gravel for fast drainage. Fine, tropical potting soil is not good as it compacts and hardens, making it hard for plants to grow well, and roots to breath.