Very nice Giancarlo ! As we say in French "bienvenu au club !". I've just read that Emery was advised to put it in full sun on Facebook, I tended to think it should be in a shaded place. When will we know ?
Ciao Alain, ho ricevuto il mio lo scorso inverno e l'ho rinvasato e tagliato le sue radici nel rinvaso. Quindi posso immaginare che per quest'anno potrebbe essere attenuato (può accadere dopo il taglio delle radici). Ma vedo che soffre e non è affatto “felice”, cercherò di dargli più sole e di annaffiarlo con acqua a PH basso ... forse il problema è questo .. Hi Alain, I received mine last winter and repotted it and cut its roots in repotting. So I can imagine that for this year it could be mitigated (it can happen after root cutting). But I see that he is suffering and not "happy" at all, I will try to give him more sun and to water him with low PH water ... maybe this is the problem .. Even the use of Rhizotonic didn’t help with it, usually this product give a good help in recovery after repotting and root pruning....
Ciao again ;-) Grazie per usare l'italiano, sono contente de videre che capisco molto (and this sentence might sound awkward, but it's not from an online translation !) When pruning the roots, opruning the top a bit too usually helps. Th pH of the water is also one of my main concerns too, the water is very hard here. But the weather being what it is at the moment, rain water has been plenty enough in the past 2 weeks, and apparently it's going to last for a while...