I don't know if this info will help anyone, but you never know. First of all, I have a Suntan which is supposedly a triploid. This is according to most of the info I was able to find on the internet. I've also seen it referred to as not being a triploid. It is a late bloomer, Day20 (E). Anyways, my tree is fruiting alongside three other trees that bloomed 7-10 days earlier (C). I also have a Hudson's Golden Gem which is listed as possibly a "D". I didn't take carefull note, but I believe this tree bloomed just a little bit later than the three "C" trees I have (Vanderpool, Rubinette, Ananas Reinette). In other words, there is definitely some leeway in pollination times of your trees. Oh, all these trees are fruiting a lot on only the second year of growth (usually I find information that says it'll take 3 years before fruiting). s
Your are certainly right in saying that plants don't follow the book exactly. From a list I have, Suntan is a triploid, but I have Hudson's Golden Gem listed as a B! I wonder which is correct?
I've determined that Hudson's Golden Gem is actually a magical apple. My tree has some brand new flowers on it, (perhaps this isn't unusual, I'm no expert).