Good day, everyone! Just found this nice site and registered. I am digging the web to figure out the name of a beautiful Utah flower. I am sure, this is some species from Caryophillaceae family. I went through the Utah plant checklist and checked the web pictures for all caryophillids. The closest genus is Silene, catchfly. However, none of the species matches mine. I checked all Silenes from CalPhotos. There are similar flowers but with different number of petal lobes. Mine has strictly three uneven lobes. Could anyone recognize this one? Thanks a lot! Andrey
Might it be a Lithophragma? 127 images on Calphoto. Go via Botany photo of the Day link.
Thanks a lot, Silver surfer! Of course, this is Lithophragma parviflorum. So, I missed even a family!