I have no clue what this is. Flowers are tiny - had trouble getting them focused. Found growing in Snake Lake Park nature preserve, Tacoma, WA.
Of course! I was confused because I did not see any plants with more than one whorl of leaves. I found some identical plants with multiple whorls today however in Federation Forest State Park. But which species? Pojar says G. triflorum has 5-6 leaves per whorl. I can't find any photos of G. triflorum with more than six. Could this be G. aparine? Apparently the leaves of G. aparine can take on a fairly wide variety of forms. Hard for me to believe this is the same G. aparine that I am used to seeing along the side of the road. I checked the Pacific Biodiversity Institute plant list for Federation Forest State Park and G. aparine is the only species on their list. I don't know if these additional photos help at all...
Pojar says the bristles on the margins of the leaves of G. triflorum are pointed forward. Which way is forward? Away from the stem?