I am a new member and would like some help identifying this flower (see attachment). Leaves are heart shaped and about 12 cm. in width. The 4-5 flowers comes every year and are very bad smelling like garbage. Haven't seen any seeds or fruits forming yet. I found this plant near Haridwar (foot hills of himalaya), India. Thanks
Re: Flower ID requested Thanks Ron for your quick response. if you are aware, can you provide more info about which type of Arum is it? Apparently there are about 120 kinds of Arums :-) as per http://plants.findthedata.org/d/d/Arum-family
Re: Flower ID requested Your best bet would be to look for what aroid family representation is presented in treatments of plants native to the area, maybe in print if not on the internet. It is certainly an aroid, even if it happens not to belong to the genus Arum.