solution to welldrained siol

Discussion in 'Soils, Fertilizers and Composting' started by ellen, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. ellen

    ellen Member

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    What can I add to my soil to make it drain better .I have a small yard .I lose plants because my soil in hard .Please do not tell me dig up because I am elderly and need just to do something simple in the top soil. thank you.Maybe I'm too old should stop now.THANK YOU
  2. growing4it

    growing4it Active Member 10 Years

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    vancouver to langley, bc
    Perhaps you should consider raised bed planting. By putting your plants in ornamental planters or raised planting beds you will have control over the quality and characteristics of the topsoil and improved drainage but you'll have the added benefit of bringing your plants (and weeds, for maintenance) closer to you. Raised beds will make it easier for you to maintain your garden and to admire it. There will be some cost for the planters and for the soil but I'm sure it would be easier than deep double digging your small yard or installing drain tiles.

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