I recently purchased a plant labelled solanum jasminoides...but this is nothing like a vine ...it's more shrub-like about 6' tall ..the leaves are lanceolate and about 6 cm long and maybe 1.5 cm wide at their widest poing...leaves are not lobed....I think I maybe have a Solanum rantonnetii..but from what I've read S. rantonnetii can also be grown as a vine...again this shows no vine like qualities the stems are absolutely straight (not vining at all)...flowers are medium purple about 2cm across...it grows like a shrub..definitely not a standard (but I bet that would be possible)....any ideas on what I do have...thanks
Solanum rantonnetii is sometimes trained/sold as a standard (staked tree form). Sounds like the variety 'Royal Robe' which gets to about 6-8 feet tall & wide. That sounds like what you have but it is not hardy here as it is hardy only down to Zone 12 I believe so you probably have to give it some protection in the winter. Cheers -Eric