Whats good to put down for soil? Im going to go get the free compost in May from the city but what else? Mulch, potting soil, organic mixture? For vegetables. Corn, carrots, rhubarb, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumbers. Thanks, erin
What I've read, recommended from Mel (of Square Foot Gardening fame): 1/3 compost from 5 different sources ie cow, chicken, horse, mushroom, pig manure, kitchen scraps, leaf mold, etc. 1/3 peat moss 1/3 vermiculite that would probably be my choice if I had an unlimited budget... but I don't so I try to get by with what I have which means that topsoil gets mixed in there too, and the vermiculite is reduced. PS. Where do you get the compost from in Vancouver?
Thanks, for the soil recipe. so no manure? The city of Vancouver gives away compost for free in May but you have to be a Vancouver resident. Maybe PoMo has the same thing though, check your city website.
Hi, I'm about to start a square foot garden and am looking for a source for vermiculite for the 1/3 soil mixture. Does anyone know of a bulk supplier on the Sunshine Coast or the Lower Mainland? Thanks, Bill
Bill, I've got the same problem. Home Depot only has small bags. I haven't tried Gardenworks yet. I'll keep you updated if I find some next weekend.