I've updated / patched the main software and all plugins. I've also installed a version of the Elegance 2 theme: XenForo Style: Elegance | Artodia There will be more (but subtler) style changes as I become familiar with how to do the custom styling. Top on the list is to get that xenForo logo removed.
It would be useful to have Location appear under the avatar of the member making a post. This is particular true for plant identification postings as it gives the reader a clue to the plant's habitat. Local Time is less important but is sometimes useful for international postings; the reader can then know when the OP is unlikely to respond to a post and thus can take time in composing a response.
I agree, didn't realize it was missing, as we used to have that displayed. Hmm, was it only in the old system or did it just disappear? I thought we were recently able to see where a posting was from.
Sure, the location info was deselected with the new style. I've re-added it. I've dropped user local time, trying to make things a little speedier.
Didn't we used to see how many posts a user has made, even as recently as last week? I find the user categories not helpful, as the titles are somewhat arbitrary and not easy to remember (which has more postings, Active Member or Contributor?), and they have such a large range. They're not bothersome, but if it came down to number of posts vs. categories, I'd rather see number of posts.
The login process throws up a dialog box for entering the login parameters even though the same information is already present on the main window. Seems rather redundant. Is this normal? The old software did this too but only on occasion, I guess as a deterrent to hacking.