snowdrops didn't bloom 2017

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Georgia Strait, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    any suggestions why snowdrops grew their usual strappy green leaves - but did not bloom earlier this year?

    they usually bloom.

    thank you.
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    I saw blooms around town, but mine were spotty. They bloomed, but faded quickly. I think the weather might have damaged the blooms in some cases.
  3. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    ps - in case you wonder - no I don't have deer in this garden ------- tho I did see some nicely pruned early naturalized crocii in a neighbour's garden --- just as they were about to bloom (isn't that always the way, the buds are tastiest?) - chomp! to an even 1 inch shearing ;)

    I also have some mini daffodils "tete a tete" which are usually pretty sturdy - but some of those didn't bloom either (nice green leaves now) --- I wonder if the parched hot greater VAncouver BC summer has anything to do with it

    I don't usually feed bulbs (and I never dig them) - but I wonder if food would make a difference ie encourage blooms.

    thank you

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