I have an abundance of ornamental trees/bushes that form a canopy along one side of the property. I was told they might be snowball trees but I don't think so. The boughs are quite gnarly and the wood, though fairly thin is extremely hard and heavy. The white flowers change to red and look quite impressive along the back of the yard, but the clusters are not very big and more like a cap than a ball. Any ideas? Thanks, Larla
Rest of description aside flowerheads aging to "red" does sound like common snowball (Viburnum opulus 'Roseum').
Well, the property I'm on is quite overgrown in a lot of areas. Apparently, it was quite "parklike" at one time but no one has cared for a lot of it in years. I have been finding all sorts of things....ie. 7 spindly cherry trees crowded in amongst skinny cascaras, saskatoon trees (15-20 ft high....loaded with berries), salmon berries, wild and tame blackberries, primroses, tulips and the list goes on....along the property next to a creek....looks like there may have been paths and sitting areas years ago....flowers come up in the grass and I dig them up and put them in the side garden.....rose campian (sp?), primroses, peonias, herbs....and some new things I don't know like this snowball thing....I'm wondering if the flowers on the trees are small because of crowding.....I will attempt to put up a picture (I'm new to all this stuff....but loving it!) Larla