We do not see much snow in central texas. The rest of the country would laugh if they watched our weather forecasts. You would think the world was ending 'apparently water turns solid at 0 degrees Celsius' :) here is some of this menacing substance accumulating around a cephalotaxus. Surely members from more temperate climates can come up with better pictures.
Here are three. A nootkatensis 'Green Arrow', a Tsuga canadensis 'Dawson' and Abies lasiocarpa 'Glauca' (looking more alba)
No snow here so far this winter! Had lots a couple of winters ago though. Here it's been all floods and hurricane-force storms this winter, with a UK new record 23 metre high waves on the coast of Cornwall a couple of days ago, and record highest January rainfall for most of southern England. Inevitably, lots of trees down everywhere.
Here are some pictures of our front and back yard with a mix of conifers and deciduous trees/shrubs covered in snow.