Parksville BC the fella planted two forsythias and two dogwoods. when he dug the holes we saw it was solid clay. he said it would be fine. that was three years ago, they got worse every year. winter - it is very wet ground. no shade in summer. what can we plant in these conditions? that wont grow say over 10 feet or so. no budget for improving the soil - garden backs on to swampy soil. Thanks all PS we are definitely NOT expert gardeners!
My mother lives outside of 100 Mile House and her property is pretty much clay about 1-2ft down so water doesn't drain very well. Both wild roses and Saskatoon berries are very abundant - not only do they grow well on her property (she is almost zone 2) but they are both edible. You could also planting dwarf willows - pussy willow / Salix sp. (there are actually several types that could be maintained with pruning)
Consider riparian (riverside) plants like some maples, elms, willows (as mentioned above), ash, some walnuts...
Ah sorry, missed that. Right, dwarf willows and then look at shrubs. Have a look at this: Native Plants for Riparian Area.pdf
Pieris would they work? we have a couple that have been around for 10 years, often with wet feet in winter thanks