Howdy folks, I've got quite the quandary for y'all. If you can figure out what this is, you win an invisible gold medal I took right off the emperor. These fellers were growing in well drained sandy/gravelly soil, smell a bit like skunk, have sharp spines (or thorns? they're off the leaf tips, please clarify if I'm using the wrong terminology), and have hairy stems. I've never seen anything quite like it before, and e-flora BC / google weren't much help, though I admit I might not be too great at searching. If you find it by searching, please let me know what you used for identification markers :) Thanks in advance, even if it's just to peek!
Thanks David, looks quite similar. While searching for details (Centromadia pungens almost looks like it has succulent-style leaves), I found another plant, Navarretia Squarrosa aka 'Skunkweed' that also looks quite similar. Too bad it's not flowering or I'd be able to know right away :) Going to research a bit more, thanks for pointing me the right way! I'll let everyone know what I think when I'm finished.
I agree it looks like Skunkweed. I am continually pulling them out in a disturbed area in the BC Gulf Islands