Hello -- I'm glad to see other small-space dwellers are keen to garden! I am definitely interested in starting a group. I am very new to gardening, but I am extremely interested in growing some vegetables and herbs. A group would be a good support system where people could share tips, tricks and general knowledge on the subject.
how do you start a group? By the way, good potted plants are container variety Tomatoes, Tulips, and other small bulb plants.
You might want to look into "Square Foot Gardening" It is a great way to grow lots of vegetable in not very much space. http://www.squarefootgardening.com/
Thanks for posting that link -- I had come across this site before...I wonder if it would be possible to implement this type of system indoors?
I have his book, and he has suggested moving the frame indoors under growing lights or flouresent lights.
sorry for the double post, but, I just created the Small Space Gardeners group. looking for members to join. A place for perople to talk about misselaneous small space gardening related topics. Sorry if i misspelled misselaneous.