I am looking for recommendations for a weeping red dissectum maple for my yard. I have a small terrace between a low angle 3' rock wall and a 2' rock wall above which is our vegetable garden. I would like to plant a maple in that terrace that will drape and/or lean out over the lower wall but not grow more than 4-5 high and shade out the vegetable garden. Because of this size constraint it ideally would be slow growing since I would rather not have to prune it agressively to keep it small. It will receive receive full sun in the summer between the hours of 9 and 3. I recently planted an orangeola elsewhere in the yard and have considered moving it, but I am concerned that that cultivar is too vigorous. I also have a red dragon which I absolutely love, but I don't want to move it. This tree should provide a nice contrast with the salal that grows in part of the lower wall and the foliage of the nearby star magnolia. Please let me know what you suggest. Thanks!
No ideas? Perhaps my title could be better. Any thoughts would be appreciated. A few more questions related to my wanting a small/slow growing red weeping maple. 1) To keep growth slow should I plant in low fertility soil, still good draining but with little organic matter? 2) Can a generalization be made about the growth rate between the following: low graft, high graft, or rooted? Thanks.