I live in Richmond BC. This is in the neighborhood, a huge tree filled with fruit. Fruit is ripe in mid July. it isn't free stone, it's very juicy, pretty sweet however the skin is somewhat bitter. They're greenish/yellow (?) with red. Here are some pictures: http://oi41.tinypic.com/29ni5g1.jpg - on the tree http://oi39.tinypic.com/x5zg9u.jpg - compare size to a coffee cup http://oi44.tinypic.com/19qpv4.jpg - cut open (this one was easier to separate to the stone than most) I tried figuring this out myself but got blown away by all the fairly similar looking plum trees. If anyone can offer suggestions, please let me know what you think this is!
Freer than most, because it is riper than most. Most of the ones shown in your coffee cup are still unripe (green), only a few ripe (reddish). Don't eat them until they are fully ripe, the unripe ones won't taste so nice and may cause stomach upsets.
I like the cherry plum. It tastes like a real plum, but a miniature one. There are two unfortunate features about it. First, it falls off the tree too easily when ripen, and second, it is a real weed! It sprouts from the seeds all over my backyard.