I have a small green plant. It is about 4 inches tall with a brown stem at the base that feels very rough (like rolling an unlit "sparkler" between your fingers) and is green at the top. The leaves resemble a green bell pepper plant. I don't have a picture as of yet but will post one as soon as I can get a hold of a digital camera. I have been told that the folk name is POOR MAN'S BARBED WIRE. I would like to learn the proper name and care of the plant as I live in Michigan. I am wondering if it will survive the Winters up here. Thanks in advance for any help about this plant.
Pachypodium perhaps? http://images.google.com/images?q=P...nG=Search+Images&svnum=10&um=1&hl=en&safe=off HTH Chris
Thanks Saltcedar for your reply. It does not have that appearance of the pictures that you sent to me. The plant I have right now is only 4 inches tall and the stem is relitevely small (narrow). I have yet to locate a digital camera to take a picture of the plant. I am hoping to get ahold of one soon. I appreciate any and all replies about the Poor man's barbed wire. I have been told that even the smallest of animals will NOT go through this when it is mature. Thanks again for your help in identifying this plant for me.