Hello - this is my first question as a new member and an avid gardener. This is so exciting! Could someone help me determine which evergreen would best suit my needs: about 8' tall x 3' diameter, narrow pyramidal shape; part-shade; dryish soil (under/near large maple). I am in Toronto (zone 6 Canadian), need very hardy, snow-load tolerant, salt and pollution tolerant, maintain good looks in winter. I have narrowed down to Taxus (Yew), but am finding conflicting information - i.e. T. Media Hicksii (some say to 20' high, others to 10'), also can't find much on T. m'. Hillii; T. Adams Columnar; T x. media Bean Pole; T. cuspidata 'Tvurdy' ; T. occidentalis 'Holmstrup' . Any information or other suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks a lot in advance! Jackie
Many of the plants you mention will be too big for what you intend. Try T. baccata 'Fastigiata', the Irish Yew. It is very slow growing and while young is a narrow column. It needs very little if any clipping to remain of this habit. You could keep the dimensions constant through clipping when the tree has reached the dimensions you indicated. Yews do like rich moist soil to see their best growth so dig a big hole when planting. In the first year irrigate to establish the plant and it will adapt to the dry conditions in all likelyhood.