I have a small city garden with two areas, each about 1 square metre, where I would like to plant trees that will grow to about 10 metres high, to screen the large house behind me. The rest of the garden is cottagey -- climbing roses, clematis and herbaceous border. Obviously, evergreens would be preferable, to provide a year round screen. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions, also as to sources.
Just to confirm measurements.....you want to plant a tree in a 3'x3' spot that will grow 30' tall? Presumably the tree must remain narrow as well? How narrow should it be?
Sorry, I should have also said that I am in Vancouver. If the tree stayed narrow for six or seven feet, it could then branch out. I am wondering about evergreen magnolias? The site for the tree(s) is against the fence which separates the garden from the lane. I could prune any problem low-growing branches. Thanks!
Those are quite dark beneath and drop litter for months. Most other evergreens will also produce a tar pit of shade. If you could use deciduous trees there are many more options, vine maple for instance is often used near walls and in other confined spaces in this region. With enough light it makes a good screen in summer, during winter the branches are interesting - you might find that this was adequate as there is a big difference between a network of branches between you and the neighbors and nothing between you.
Thank you, you are right about the network of branches. I will look for these at my nursery this weekend.
You also might consider Eucryphia. It is evergreen, tall and fairly narrow when mature- look for the one at Van Dusen Gardens.