I live in West Vancouver and am suffering an infestation of a particular kind of spider. It looks like a small tarantula - by that I mean it's compact, "fuzzy," has short legs (sort of seem to fold under themselves, and a large body. Most have a bright red pattern (sometimes orange) on their backs, although I've seen plain ones but they're all the same kind of spider. When I see one, it seems to see me, even at a distance, and settles on its haunches as if to pounce on me. They move fast and my first instinct is to kill, kill, kill! I think one tried to jump at me a few years back. Anyway, they're creepy, ranging in size from .5 to .75 inch, which includes body and legs. They have settled comfortably in my verandah area over the past several years and so enjoying the view at night from is, unfortunately, no longer an attraction for me. I would like to get rid of these pests once and for all, but I would like to know what kind of spider this is, too! And, of course, how to get rid of it. Thank you.
Does it look like this? http://www.austmus.gov.au/spiders/dangerous/redback/identifying.htm or http://www.pestcontrolcanada.com/Questions/What%20i1927.jpg I'm in interior BC, and we have lots of widows around, but they have red on their bellies, not their backs... HTH
No, it is not a black widow spider. Black widows have red patterns on their bellies and their legs are skinny and long. The spider around my house has a red pattern on its back and its legs are short and furry, or they appear to be, and its body seems to be furry too. Like a tarantula. Very black, kind of compact and furry.
google spider id, and there are pages that you can go to, and scroll through spider pictures until you find the one it is... I'm wondering if it is the second picture that I posted, the jumping spider....
I think it is a jumping spider although the actual red is brighter and the black blacker than of any picture I've seen of them. Thank you.
I was thinking jumping spider too. I had found one this spring and didn't know whether to consider it friend or foe. I went with friend, but I guess when you have an infestation you have to go with foe. With spiders, I think the best thing is always to evaluate the amount of habitat you're providing. Our porch, as it happens, is also seemingly heaven to spiders and I blame in part the neighbours' large conifer which is riddled with spiders itself and has increasingly invaded our porch and keeps it shielded from wind and rain to the spiders' delight. How about the under-porch space? Has something changed that would make it more desirable to spiders - a lumber or wood pile added, for instance? Failing anything you can readily change, I wonder if a daily sweeping for a season would break the cycle.
Are these closer?? http://neveryetmelted.com/wp-images/Redback.jpg http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=
http://neveryetmelted.com/wp-images/Redback.jpg Hi, The above link that you posted is the exact spider I have been curious about. I noticed it this week. First, it appeared from nowhere on my kitchen floor and I put it outside. This morning, as I was picking up a blanket, another one dropped out of the blanket. A smaller version, all black is quite common around here (North Vancouver) but I have never seen this one with that amazing red pattern on its back. I looked at the pictures of the Red Back spider from Australia and its definitely not a match. What is the name of this spider? Is it safe to be around? Thanks, wsaunders
Just saw this spider crawling around my barbeque... I'm in Delta. Tried to find out more about this creature online but keep getting the aussie type. I've lived in the lower mainland my whole life and have never seen this spider.
I live in Victoria, and have my whole life, and have never come accross this spider until today. I found one in my kitchen sink. I definately believe it is the jumping spider; the picture was an exact match. I didn't invite it to stay for coffee or anything just so I could check out the exact pattern on it's back, but the picture looked the same to me. Growing up in BC I have been taught not to mess with black spiders that have red on them, so I rinsed it down the sink. I SWEAR the thing reared up at me! I noticed someone else had commented about that too! I hope I don't run into one again!
http://www.pestcontrolcanada.com/Questions/spider_identification.htm this site is great for identifying bugs, and they have a dedicated section on spiders. It says the red jumping spider can apparently be as big as one inch long! We have lots around here, but never seen one that big, maybe half an inch at most. I haven't seen any in the house, and they've never bothered me. According to the pest control site, they are not considered harmful, but the bigger ones can "deliver a painful bite if provoked"... I remember a few years back sitting on our deck in the summer and hearing an intense buzzing sound behind my head, on the wood rail. When I turned to see what it was, I was just in time to see a jumping spider holding onto a fly (that had moments before been pestering me), dragging it backwards into a small hole in the wooden rail. The fly was pretty much the same size as the spider, and it buzzed furiously trying to get away, but it was no contest. He was a goner.
Hi I also have a spider that i found today that sounds like the one you described. It doesn't look like the red backed jumping spider.....what do you think? If you know what it is....please let me know.
I was just thinking about an experience I had approx. 10 years ago (I lived in BC for most of my life, from there) when I was out in the Harrison River area, we had canoed up river and stopped to hike around and have a meal. I had wondered off on my own a bit and a spider landed on my hand out of no where. I had at the time been trying to shake of my fear of spiders so I took the opportunity to make myself stay calm, breath deep, treat it like a friend and studied it for a moment. I was startled by how it's feet felt on my hand, much like an almost damp/rubber feeling. It was very smooth, very black, legs were not much longer then the body size and if a black widow's markings were reversed to be on the back then that would describe what it looked like. It had no hair. Researching right now, the only spider I can find that looks like the one that had been on my hand is the The Redback spider but this spider I do not think is in Canada, little say BC woods, but I don't know for sure. Anyone know of a spider that looks like what I have described that is known to be in the woods in BC? Thanks! Cheers; April-Anna http://theartofapril-anna.blogspot.com
ROFLMFAO>.. know the feeling. i used to live in Merville upisland from you and one night i had one crawling in my kitchen. my oldest cat noticed ( 3 cats and 1 dog) and started pawing at it.. OMFG i howled when the little bugger literally jumped at him and hung onto the very tip of his claw biting him. The look on m cats face was priceless (" how DARE you ! *indignant look with horror ). to this day he has a SEVERE case of arachnophobia.. (every time he sees ANY spider he shakes the same paw that was offended that nght).. yep those spiders DO have tude alright.. XD
I was working at home today and on the phone with my boss reviewing a draft policy and I notice a little black spider with red back has cozied up to me where I was sitting (in bed, don't judge me! I like to sit in bed but believe me, I'm working hard!) I was mortified - never even seen one light this, much less had it so close to me. Now I'm a bit paranoid- yesterday another one lowered itself on to the dining table in a flash - I just shared my daughter it would never happen, it was "not going to bother us". Keep in mind there is no man in the house so screaming and running is not an option. Although I did phone one, and got no answer. So my issue no was really the red backed one and I took a picture of it. In reading the other posts it sounds like it could be one of the jumping ones. He did seem to scrunch himself up a bit. If he had jumped, they would've had to take me away in a so my issue no was really the red backed one and I took a picture of it. In reading the other posts it sounds like it could be one of the jumping ones. He did seem to scrunch himself up a bit. If he had jumped... How do they get in??? The window? The door? That's it, I'm sealing it all off. See the photo.. What do you think?