I believe there is a purpose for every creature, but having a hard time figuring out what slugs & snails are good for. Anyways, have you discovered any perennials that are resistant to the slimy creature attack?
They didn't eat my Iris, rock rose, or my daughters straw flowers, but if you take a line line of copper wire around what they are going for, they won't cross the line as the copper reacts to the slime and burns them. (Oh yeah, snakes eat them.) Carol Ja
Hi Flower, The thicker leaved hostas seem more resistant as well. My daylilies seem to stand up to them too. Oh, they also make a nice lunch for frogs, toads and some birds as well as the snakes mentioned by Carol Ja. Newt
Ducks are the best for slugs, particularly Muscovy ducks, but they all love to eat slugs. Unfortunately for us, eagles love ducks. Ralph