Skyrocket Juniper die out

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by kenoyhouse, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. kenoyhouse

    kenoyhouse Member

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    Omaha, Ne
    I have 10 Skyrocket Junipers planted around my yard. Two on either side of a walk that are about 5 years old and never had any problems. This year one of them has almost total die out from the top to the middle on the inside which all turned a rust color. What stayed green is still growing. Nothing has happened to any of the other nine in the yard or the one 4 feet away from this one, which has already grown much taller than the other. Any ideas as to the problem and a solution? Should I prune out all of the rust colored parts?


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  2. rxbristol

    rxbristol Member

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    North Central Texas
    Four things you can check with junipers. I'm not familar with your area but spider mites (during dry weather), bag worms, and scale will easily take out large conifers in a very short period of time. The other thing to watch with junipers is too much water; they will die if their feet are too wet for extended periods of time. Skyrocket junipers have a central leader and if that is cut out it may never regain its proper shape.

    Rex Bristol

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