Hello. I found a few of these plants on trail in northern VA. Trail is very dry, rocky…with lots of Antennaria, Elephantopus etc. The only genera I could think of with fruit in leaf axils were Triosteum and Acalypha…it is not Triosteum. I am guessing it is neither of these. Any suggestions? Thank you!
Fruit is wrong for Acalypha. Not sure but it reminds Ruellia to me. May be this one?, it is listed for VA: https://plants.usda.gov/home/plantProfile?symbol=RUST2
Funny, I just saw a small Ruellia outside that someone gave me…and I thought the same thing! However, the one that was given to me was much smaller in stature and not from a calcareous/limestone area but the one from the trail? It is exactly what you said, Ruellia strepens, and it matches the substrate…calcareous with some limestone! Thanks so much Tyrlych!