British Columbia: Silver Lace Vine plants??

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by WesternWilson, Aug 18, 2023.

  1. WesternWilson

    WesternWilson Active Member 10 Years

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    Tsawwassen, BC, Canada
    I am looking for Silver Lace Vine plants to plant on my apiary fenceline. The vine provides late summer forage for all pollinators, a rare commodity in our biozone!

    Does anyone know locations that have them for sale?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Has a history of being stocked by any independent garden center that presents a full range of climbers. However, there is also this aspect (note in particular the bottommost photos showing what the plant is genetically programmed to turn into):

    Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board
  3. DerekK

    DerekK Active Member

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    West Vancouver, B.C.
    Having lived next door to a Silver Lace Vine for over 60 years (my grandparents bought the house in the late 50's) I'm not sure I can imagine a plant with less redeeming qualities. Hummingbirds rarely use the plant and it is not visited in any significant numbers by most pollinators in my experience. I can view the plant as I type this and there are a few insects in it but not in any numbers that would override the potentially invasive habits of the plant. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but it has to rank up there as one of the ugliest plants in any garden. I'm slightly biased having spent all these years trying to control the spread of this ugly thug.
    We should try and encourage the use of native or non-native, but not invasive, plants rather than those that have the potential to become invasive.
    Found this thread from a few years ago on this forum.


    Apologies for the rant. My 2 cents worth.
    Margot likes this.

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