sickly Lilac tree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have just moved and am pruning and revitalizing a number of shrubs and trees (dogwoods) in the yards. There is a scraggly lilac tree out front in full sun. What is the best fertilizer to get this plant to grow robustly? We may be a bit south of the ideal growing zone here in the Washington, DC area. Thank you.
to correct poor structure and form, try pruning using the 1/3 method, that is to remove 1/3 of the oldest canes to ground level each year at the appropriate time. then for fertilizer, first get a soil test done, you cant give a prescription if you dont know what you are treating for. If that is not an option, use a basic balanced fertilizer with a range of micronutrients.
From what jymmyq said I'm beginning to wonder if it is a lilac. It has more of a tree form than a bush form; it has a slender trunk, not canes. I'll try to get a better take on the species. thanks. H.
Lilacs of age usually have more than one 'trunk' from the base. if it has one trunk, thats fine, then reduce the oldest branches each year. The trick is, dont shear them or tickle them when pruning, be aggressive and systematic.