Hi I have the most amazing Yucca, well it used to be....but over the last week it has been changing. I have cared for it so well for the last 2 years.....but in the last couple of months I have forgot to water it some weekends, and it now has brown tips. But that's not what is worring me most. The stalk bit that the leaves grow out of is browning in places. And some leaves are going light green then are going to brown off and die I suspect. The rest of the leaves are quite droopy now too. I have it in a pot and have had stones on top of the soil for at least a year. When I lift some stones a few months ago I noticed lots of roots are now visible. Does it need repoting or something else? I think the best thing to do is to post a photo so that you can see for yourself.
For heaven's sake get those rocks off there! Plants need to breathe, you need to be able to judge how wet or dry they are and tiny feeder roots don't need that weight on them. Other than that, it does look like it needs repotting, but until you get it out of the pot and take a look, you'll never know for sure. Brown tips normally mean the atmosphere's too dry in there (but the answer is not more water, but humidification - put those rocks in a plastic drip pan as wide as the foliage spreads, with water in it, and the pot on the rocks, but never let the water touch the pot bottom or roots will rot), but in your case it could be various things. When you do repot, use a fast draining mix of peat-less soil of coarse particles (no 'tropical' stuff), aquarium gravel and perlite, but that's a mix, not 'gravel on the bottom' at all, which isn't really good for plants.