Hello to all, My pony plant has several shoots, some of which are dying or gone, plus the soil has a terrible odor! The large bulb is somewhat soft a little odd looking. I think between my husband and myself we over watered it. I don't want to her die, because I have had her for approximately 40 years. She stands about 13 to 15 feet tall. I do have a grow light on her, because we have cathedral ceilings and had to move her away from the exterior windows. I would like information from everyone to save my plant. It will take at several people to help, because of her size. Please! any-one, with additional advice would be greatly appreciated. I need to work on her as quickly as possible. Thank-you all so much. Dr. Sally
Sounds like a combination of overwatered and poor drainage. Repot into a larger container with well-draining soil and hope that the plant is healthy enough still to recover. Do you have any photographs?