Hi, I have just planted a windmill palm a few weeks ago. I have been growing it indoors for 2 years and it has done well but now I planted the two palms I have in the front yard and this one is looking ill.Any advice is appreciated thanks. I have posted a picture if you click on it it will show you the plant in detail thanks again.
It looks as though it's drought stricken, although I know you'll tell me different. Any particular reason for growing this palm indoors for 2 years? I'm in Lantzville and if you're fairly nearby in Nanaimo I could swing by for a first hand look. PM me if so. Cheers, Barrie (LPN)
hi barrie I have been watering it a fair bit as It was just planted my phne 250-756-9865 I live in north nanaimo Please feel free to give me a call thanks
It could be sunburn. Many palms will suffer burnt leaves if suddenly moved from shade to sun (it's happened to me with Archontophoenix tuckeri, a nice tropical Australian). Best wishes up there!
Well, we did meet to discuss this palms delema. It would seem being reared indoors over the past 2 years coupled with the transplant and warm sunny weather, may be the culprit. Good news is the center growth spears and emerging fronds are fine and a full recovery is expected. Cheers, LPN.
Thanks to all for your support, thanks Barrie you place is tropical and wonderful thanks again all happy days!
You're welcome and I'm heading out with my camera to visit some of the gardens in Hammond Bay you mentioned. Cheers, Barrie.
fessiambre Here's the one of the front gardens you mentioned off of Vista View. The pic doesn't do it any real justice as there's so much more to see which can't be detailed in the image or is obscured. I didn't find (poor memory) the big palms from the Art Knapps owner. Cheers, LPN (Barrie)