Hello, I planted a Jasmine last summer against a south west facing wall in Edinburgh, Scotland. It gets plenty of sunshine throughout the late afternoon and early evening and it flourished during its first summer. I have recently noticed it looking sick - almost dehydrated - with leaves appearing to dry out and curl up, we do not suffer from a shortage of rain here! I have noticed similar symptoms on a honeysuckle I planted at the same time against a NE facing wall where the leaves are falling off and/or yellowing. There are no other obvious signs on the jasmine of pest damage and the leaves are spotless. Have i failed to water them enough recently? Am I being an 'over protective' first time Jasmine/honeysuckle grower and will they recover in the spring? Should I prune them or not at all? I would appreciate any advice you may be able to give.
I don't know what kind of frosts you've had but mine always loses some leaves to the frost, they have the look you describe, but it rebounds in the spring. Unfortunately it holds on to it's dead leaves, I either strip them off, or now that it has gotten big, I prune it back in spring after the danger of hard frosts has pasted.
Hi, I agree with the last poster. I'm not sure what kind of Jasmine you have but I have an evergreen climbing Jasmine that looks sick right about now- looks brown and dry in parts (we are of no shortage of rain either- infact- broke the record for rainfall in January). From my experience, I just chop off the brown parts and in the Spring it all comes back tenfold! PS- I visited Edinburgh in 1999 and it was my favorite part of GB
Hi, it may be that your humidity is too low - try putting it on a wide tray of water filled with stones large enough to keep the pot from ever touching the water (or you'll end up with rot). Also check for spider mites (they love dry conditions), and... how often do you water, and how much?