Sick Jade

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by jaws4evr, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. jaws4evr

    jaws4evr Member

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    Alberta, Canada
    Hi folks

    I have a cute little green and white Jade. It is a North-East facing window (the brighest available window we have in the house).

    It was growing really well for a while, lots of new bud growth and some branching.

    But it's started to drop leaves, they all shrivel up before falling off the plant. originally it was just the lowest leaves, but I noticed two of the newest leaves shriveled thismorning.

    I wait until it's almost completely dry before watering, and then give it a big water. I try to drain off any standing water in the tray. I'm trying not to overwater/drown it!

    I should add I ahven't repotted it since I bought it a few months ago. The water drains through the pot very fast, is a re-pot the answer here? What does shrively leaves on a Jade mean?

  2. 1greenthumb

    1greenthumb New Member

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    My jades usually turn yellow and shrivel when they get too much water. They turn brown and dry up when not enough. If they are inside I wait about a week and a half to two weeks between every water and I don't water them in abundance. I simply give them about a 12 oz glass. Jades hold water in their leaves so they don't need as much as most plants, and if it is in a mostly shady spot inside then it needs less than other plants. You want the soil to be damp, not waterlogged when you water it. I wouldn't repot it at the moment it may shock it.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013

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