I just planted this laurel a couple of weeks ago. Since then the upper part of the branches are turning yellow ( they were light green) and they are getting brown spots and streaks. See Photo. The leaves look pretty good so far. When I planted the shrub I applied a 3-in-1 Insecticide, Fungicide, Fertilizer from Bayer. I was careful to follow the instructions on the bottle. What is wrong with the plant?
Here is a picture of another English Laurel planted around the same time. The branches are all green at the top where the new growth it. The other Laurel, pictured in the original post, is turning bright yellow from the original green. Is this some kind of natural progression?
But everything looks healthy. May be a little short of nitrate but I would wait till the new roots are well established before feeding...a month or two....unless actual damage starts to appear.