This is my first post. I was not sure which section of the forum to post this question. I have this cranapple tree (at least I think it is cranapple tree. Please correct me if I am wrong). The bark has been peeling for a about the last year or so. Today I noticed that many of the leaves have turned yellow and have fallen off. It just bloomed a few weeks ago and it looked very healthy when it bloomed. I's the middle of June so I dont think it should be losing it's leaves just yet. I attached some photos of the tree, peeling bark and the yellow leaves that have black spots on them. Can someone tell me what is wrong with this tree and what can I do to get this tree back into good health? This is one of my favorites trees in the yard so I dont want to lose it! Thanks so much.
I wish I could reply with some help, but my tree is doing the same thing. The bark is peeling and the leaves are turning yellow then dying and falling off. Mine is not a crab apple tree, I'm not sure what it is.
I did a Google search as follows: "crabapple tree" fungus "yellow leaves" I got many link; most of them said it was a fungus. Here are some answers. A: Sounds like a fungal disease, you can either spread corn meal around the root zone of the trees or try another organic fungal treatment like GP's Garlic Fungicide. If it is a soil borne fungus there is really nothing you can do. After the trees die off you can remove the contaminated soil and bring in fresh soil. You might want to have an arborist come out and look at the trees. A: It could be apple scab, which is a plant disease caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis. It also could be a rust fungus known as cedar-apple rust. Both cause early defoliation. The rust fungus is more isolated, while the scab fungus is more universal in spread, so I believe this is what you are seeing. Clean up all the leaves and fruit this fall. Next spring, spray the trees with lime-sulfur while the trees are still dormant and again after leafing. Use a fungicide known as Captan. Repeat again in 10 to 14 days.