My clematis has been in for 3 years. The first year it bloomed. The second and third year produced NO blooms. The vines are growing and the new growth is healthy, however the small leaves near the base of the plant are turning yellow. I've used a fungacide to no avail. Any suggestions as to how to get it to bloom again?
which variety is it? do you have it in a spot where the roots are protected from too much sun/heat? is it planted in an eastern, southern, northern or western exposure? did you do any pruning to it over the years??
It is Clematis texensis ("Duchess of Albany") a type "C". The roots are shaded, the soil is good and the location is primarily shade with a little moring sun for a short time. I prune it back to about a foot above the ground in early spring when I see new starts coming up. I'm wondering if its a magnesium deficiency.
If it was not pruned the same way the first year then implication is the pruning is interfering with flowering.
per this site: hard pruning for this one is customary, so i don't think that's the issue. i think it needs more sun to flower.
I actually watched carefully today and it appears to be getting quite a bit of morning sun, but it not in a "hot" spot. I'll take some of the yellow leaves in to a local nursery and see what they have to say. Thanks for your help.