Sick Chamaecyparis Obtusa Verdoni

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by mkfarlow, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. mkfarlow

    mkfarlow New Member

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    Northwest Oregon and Mid-Atlantic, USA
    My newly planted Chamaecyparis Obtusa Verdoni was doing great and then last week it started turning brown. At first I thought it had gotten too dry and I watered it a bit more. One week later it is obviously dying. I suspect a twig blight I found while reading online -- it is called pestalotia funerea.
    Anyone have a more informed idea? Do you think it is from overwatering? Could it have been transferred from a some small Western Red Cedars that were lying by it waiting to be planted? Is there anything I can do to save it?

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