Sick cactus

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by Munchie, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. Munchie

    Munchie New Member

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    United States
    So I've had this cactus for years now (maybe 6 years??), and it was the first cactus I ever owned. I didn't know much about its care so it was in poor soil that didn't drain well and a pot that didn't drain well for many years. It did fine, but then I noticed that some of the roots were beginning to show recently so I repotted it in a slightly bigger pot with soil that drains better. However, it hasn't been doing to well and the leaves have taken on a reddish brown color. I'm not sure what caused this (if it was over watered, exposed to cold temperatures, is just old, or if the repotting caused this etc etc.) so any advice would be appreciated. It may be too late to save it, but if y'all have any advice on how to care for him (or any other cacti/succulents), it would be appreciated!

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  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Welcome, Munchie. What you have is (I think) a Yucca filamentosa. In the asparagus family, though still considered a succulent, so you've posted your question in the right place.
    I'm finding conflicting info on these plants, though it does seem clear than once they flower, that plant dies. By that time, there should be "pups" that you can separate and plant up. One site says 6 years would be the lifespan for these plants; another said they would live for a very long time, but that must be ones that don't flower.

    Just checking on your new pot - are there drainage holes in the bottom? With the extra soil, it might not be drying out as fast, so it could be getting too much water now. It does look healthy in the centre where the new growth is. And old leaves do die off.
  3. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    This plant likes full sun. Lack of sunlight could cause this change in color.
  4. Munchie

    Munchie New Member

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    United States
    Thank you so much for the speedy reply! It hasn't flowered yet, but I'll keep an eye out. Also the new pot does have a drainage hole at the bottom.

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