I live in the West End. I have 3 Fargesia Rufas, 4 years old, approx. 5' tall, planted in 36" tall planters. We had a wind storm a few weeks back (they got knocked over) and ever since all the leaves have turned brown and I mean ALL the leaves. Some are falling off. Most are still on. Not curled in. I've fertilized it. They are not under shelter so water wasn't the issue. They have never looked so bad! Can anyone give some advice? Thanks
How long were the roots exposed to the wind? I recall the storm, it was quite fierce. It possibly dried out the root balls. Other than that, were you their original planter? And were they replanted at the same depth and the soil firmed so there were no air pockets?
Thanks David - I righted the pots as soon as they were knocked over so the roots weren't exposed. I was the original planter. No air pockets. Maybe they need to be repotted into a bigger pot but I don't think I can pry them out of the pot. They only turned brown after the wind storm and I checked to see if the soil was moist. I will wait it out and see if there is improvement in a few weeks.