I have been growing these lil cacti from seeds for over a year. They are in an LED light cube terrarium toy by Fat Brain Toys. I had alot of cacti - then a bunch died - I was left with these 6 growing strong. When I moved I lost the cord to the LED light and opted to put them by a window for partial sun (about 3 hours a day). Now they look very sick and pink, one flopped all the way over, the others are leaning. I found the cord, the LED light is hooked back up. They have been in their accustomed lighting for 3 weeks now Is there anything I can do to help my lil cacti live? Showing 2 photos - One from April 15th to celebrate 1 year of growth The other showing them today looking pretty ill Thank you for any input! Green thumbs up!
You don't need that fancy Led kit, just pop them directly under a fluorescent light bulb. For sure a light issue, they needs tons of light even in the first picture those plants are lacking chlorophyll. What soil are they growing in? Whats your watering schedule? Ultimately more light!
I used the soil pod it came with and the instructions say that it doesnt need watering because its a terrarium. I still check the soil often and its still very moist, sometimes I worry that its too moist. Whats the advantage of a florescent light over LED? http://www.fatbraintoys.com/toy_companies/dunecraft/cactus_garden_led_light_cube.cfm This is the link to the toy company
So it is a closed system? That is fine for seedlings, unless it gets too hot, but not for adult cacti. I am not aware of any particular advantages of fluorescent tubes over LED lamps, but the latter are usually more expensive. For growing adult cacti both types are inadequate unless you are prepared to spend a lot of money on very intense and power-consuming lighting equipment. Your seedlings look as cactus seedlings do if they are put in brighter, warmer conditions than they are used to. Cactus seedlings are weak and lean easily if they become dehydrated, which I suspect is what happened to yours. It does not look bad, they should recover soon. Actually most of my own small seedlings have a similar colour, since I put mine in a bright window in an unheated room, well ventilated with good air circulation, when they are about 3 months old (I don't grow them in closed containers). The stronger light and moderate temperatures, especially at night, prevents them from growing too tall and thin and start to lean. Yours seem to be a bit thin at the base, which indicates that they have grown taller than they should.
Actually there is an advantage of the fluorescent over LED in relation of plants. T5 fluorescent light bulbs are the best for indoor plant today. Just get the daylight or bright light it puts the user to the art of the technology.