Hi, I live in East Sooke and all of our Arbutus trees seem to be sick. They are usually in bloom and beautiful right now but the leaves are brown, no flowers, new growth but not much and some of the leaves have black spots. Does anyone know what is happening to the Arbutus trees?
Blackening of most of the foliage during winter has become almost universal down here. It is probably pathenogenic so unless and until we cycle around back to a point where it is not so virulent the outlook is not too good for the presence of this tree remaining at existing strength in this region. It has gotten much worse in recent years.
Thank you for your reply. Is there nothing we can do for the trees? Should we cut them down or leave them be?
Previous discussion can be found here. http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/search.php?searchid=1333948