Identification: Shujaku - Late blooming single/semi-double pink, long stems

Discussion in 'Ornamental Cherries' started by wcutler, May 5, 2007.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    The blossoms are hanging on this Stanley Park tree, but they're well past their prime. I don't think any other photo here has captured the bristly leaf edges. I'm assuming this is what's meant by "awn-tipped", as described by Kuitert (Japanese Flowering Cherries). Second photo is just a zoom-in of the first one.

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  2. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    I just had a look at the tree at 20th and Wallace. Probably a week past peak today. Forgot my camera. Flowers on long pedicels and peduncles, as one expects with the later flowering cherries, the petals a bit faded to the outsides and darkening in their centres, and showing a few staminodes in about 20% of the blooms.
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Too bad about your camera - you would have got some in focus. We haven't photographed this 'Shujaku' in three years. The parts that are alive are looking pretty good. It does have its little problem areas.
    20130425_20thWallace_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430089.jpg 20130425_20thWallace_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430113.jpg
    20130425_20thWallace_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430105.JPG 20130425_20thWallace_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430111.jpg 20130425_20thWallace_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430097.JPG 20130425_20thWallace_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430091.jpg

    The 'Shujaku' in Stanley Park is also a week past peak bloom today, and is also looking pretty good. In the third photo, I thought the stems were almost in focus, so that's to show how very long they are.
    20130426_StanleyParkNearBridge_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430391.jpg 20130426_StanleyParkNearBridge_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430395.jpg 20130426_StanleyParkNearBridge_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430402.jpg 20130426_StanleyParkNearBridge_Shujaku_Cutler_P1430403.jpg

    I want to call them both little trees, but I can't get near the flowers on either one of them.

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