Any suggestions for shrubs in a large bed (40' wide x 12' deep) located beneath some large conifers? This is a very shady location.
I'm in Pitt Meadows. Under my 100 year old Cedars I have a ground cover of Cornus Canadensis, also bleeding hearts, ferns, trilliums, Rhodos., Azaleas All pretty much normal or native stuff for this area. (zone 8) Most of it is wild. Knowing the area, I also suggest some Safers slug bait
I'd be more concerned about weevils on some of that mix of plants, in that situation. Classic full shade evergreen shrubs include aucuba, fatsia, skimmia and sarcococca. Fatsia may not be hardy in your area, I've not been able to keep it through recent winters under Leyland cypress on Camano Island. A deciduous shrub excellent for brightening dark spaces beneath conifers is snowberry. Garden centers here have had several pink or pinkish forms for sale in recent years, in addition to the more familiar white.