In June 2008 I was traveling down the coast of Oregon. At Cape Sebastian I took a lot of wild flower pictures. I have 3 I need identified, I can not find them in my books. This one is a shrub. I saw a a number of these shrubs loaded with clusters of bright blue flowers. I only have one book that includes a few shrubs in the lower-48 states. I could not find this one in that book.
Looks like Ceanothus sp. Common name California lilac.
Books on the wild plants of that area would surely have these. When looking for identities of wild plants you want regionally targeted titles.
Thank you Silver Surer, Ron B and Michael F. I used Google image search and found 4 pictures that almost exactly match my blue flowered shrub. All called it Ceanothus thyrsiflorus. One of them said it was also known as Wild Lilac. Another one said it was California Lilac. One source stated it had common names of Soap Bush, Mountain Lilac, and Blue Blossom along with the two common names already mentioned. It isn't a Lilac, but if I had thought to look at Lilac's with the Google Search I would have found this one on my own. Again, thank you guys. Dickie Byrd