Hi, Iv`e just bought a house with an overgrown garden , in the large garden has many, many, flowers and shrubs that I can`t identify. I do know a litle about plants but it seems the guy who planted them many years ago favoured the less popler varieties. The question I would like answered is, what is the name and variety of this plant? I will try to download a photo, allthough I have used a pen to define the shape of the white petals....... No I cant get my computer to download the image . I can only descibe it now, the flower is about 3-4" overall, five white petals with a small purple dot near to the innermost point, the flowers only last for one day then the petals fall off. The tree is about 5-6 foot high and the leaves are slim evergreen, I thought it could be a rohdadendron? but surely not with a single flower. any sujestions? Dr. Kew.
Shrub/ Tree .I.D. Hi, I posted an enquiry about a shrub /tree I.D. a few days ago, it must have been difficult for anyone to I.D.without a photograph, at the time I could not download one and I recieved no replys but now I can provide a couple of good snaps.. the flowers seem to last for one day only then shed their petals, any one out there with the answer? Dr. Kew.
Re: Shrub/ Tree .I.D. Rock rose (cistus spp) this link may help you id the plants better http://www.cistuspage.org.uk/