Hi all - this exotic-looking multi-trunk tree/shrub is near the beach/hotel in a cultivated public garden area of Harrison Hot Springs BC. I've never seen anything like it and it's been bothering me ever since! Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks! DLEEM
I second the nomination. Hopefully they will install signs or labeling at some point. If you get into Vancouver sometime you should be able to see other examples of this species at UBC and/or Van Dusen - or at least related taxa.
Wow - thank you both. I can't wait to tell all the people I showed the picture to! I have to say I'm a little flabbergasted that Magnolias bear fruit. I'm even more flabbergasted I never noticed this. :) Thanks again, DLEEM
It's usual for flowering plants to produce seed-bearing structures known botanically as fruits. Fruit, as in that eaten by humans is a somewhat different version of the word. Magnolias are so ancient and primitive that their flowers can be seen to be derived from leaves arranged around a cone, and their fruits to be modified cones.