Can anybody ID this Shrub/Tree in my yard in Northern California? I need to replace one of them. Ideas on why just one out of 7 might have died would be helpful also.
Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' I believe. 'Majestic Beauty' PE003.JPG
Thanks, another poster said it was this: Rhaphiolepis "Majestic Beauty" or Indian Hawthorn Is this the same thing?
Yes. The same thing. another cultivar available in Northern California that is quite similar is sold by the name Rhaphiolepis "x montic" photo attached.
Another cultivar? Majestic Beauty® Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis x 'Montic'
Looks familiar, but I can't say what it is. Trekmtb, in general it is good to start a new thread when you have a new question or topic. It gets confusing when too many discussions are happening in one thread. I copied the last plant ID post to this thread: Identification: - Can anybody ID this house plant?. Let's take up ID of the little succulent there. On the previous topic, I just want to clarify the name a bit, if I can. Majestic Beauty® Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis x 'Montic' Here Rhaphiolepis is the name of the genus, Indian Hawthorn is the common name for Rhaphiolepis, 'Montic' is the cultivar (a unique individual selected or bred), Majestic Beauty® is a registered tradename that is used to market 'Montic', and the x is simply a mistake that does not belong in this name. The x would be used to denote a hybrid species in that position--no species is listed here. If it is in fact a generic hybrid with Eriobotrya as suggested by Ron and Dirr then the name would be x Rhaphiobotrya 'Montic'. Here the x indicating a bigeneric hybrid of Rhaphiolepis and Eriobotrya.
Thanks on the Indian Hawthorne. I have in fact bought one and planted it. Matches perfectly. Thanks for the new thread also.